Happy Birthday to Goog,
Happy Birthday to Goog,
Happy Birthday to Google Play Store…
Google’s Play Store for Android devices has turned 2! That is, the brand of Google Play has turned two years old. Long-running fans of Android will remember the Android Market but the “Google Play Store” has now been around for two years.
To celebrate this Google has kicked off its ‘Big Birthday Savings’ promotion to mark the Store’s 2nd Birthday.
The Play Store site states “Enjoy Google Play’s second birthday with discounts on in-game purchases for some of our most popular titles!”On the UK version of the site a host of games are now available at massive discounts – some up to 75% off – as well as a host of in-game purchases for big titles available free of charge for a short period.
Title’s such as EA’s Theme Park, Bejewelled Blitz and even FIFA 14 have free in-game content available, including free features and upgrades to the existing apps.
Discounts-wise, games like Modern Combat 4, Prince of Persia and NBA Jam all see a massive discount to the prices.

The birthday deals don’t stop at games though, as people can log onto the Play Store and get discounts on Movies and Music for the Birthday celebrations. In fact, all Android users can go online and download the 1988 Tom Hanks masterpiece Big completely free, whilst other movies like TinTin and 21 Jump Street are heavily discounted.
Music-wise, the headline discount is P!NK’s latest album “The Truth about Love” which can be purchased for just 99p for the next 24 hours.
Google’s Newsstand will also offer a host of reductions on books and magazines, with a number of published titles discounted down to just £2.