UK mobile network Three has announced two new tariffs aimed at abolishing additional charges for customers who go over their data limit when on a monthly contract.
As of tomorrow, new and existing customers will be able to take out or upgrade to the new Ultimate Internet and Essential Internet Plans with Three. The new plans join Three’s hugely popular all-you-can-eat One Plan, and promise to never give you a shock when you get your monthly bill.
The Ultimate Internet Plan is very similar to the One Plan, offering unlimited internet access for those who want to browse, email, download and stream to their heart’s content without a worry. These tariffs will come as standard with 5000 text messages and users can choose between 100, 300, 500 or 1000 minutes to other networks per month, depending on their usage.
The Essential Internet Plan is aimed more at the casual internet user; those of you who, now and then, like to use your smartphone’s browser to check the news, or to send the occasional email. With this plan data is capped at 250MB, but Three promises to text you when you’re approaching the limit, and again when you reach the 250MB limit. At this point Three will cut off your internet access for the remainder of the month, so that you can’t incur any additional charges unwittingly.
Three realises that being without the internet on your smartphone can be a pain, so when you reach your limit, it will send you another text to offer an additional 250MB of usage for just £2 – which we think is a bargain – or all you can eat data for £5. Along with 250MB, Essential Internet Plan adopters will get 5000 texts and either 100, 300, or 500 minutes to use each month.
We think this is a great initiative, and one that all other UK networks should adopt in the future. Not all smartphone users know how to keep a track of their usage and end up incurring additional charges, which they shouldn’t have to.
If you’re an existing customer with Three, you can give them a call to request all-you-can-eat unlimited internet for an extra £3 per month. This only applies to contract customers on 12, 18 and 24 month contracts, and not 1 month rolling deals.
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