Tag: August
BlackBerry Bold 9900 pre-order on Vodafone UK now available
I’m sure you’ve already read our blog last week of RIM’s announcement of a selection of new BlackBerry devices including the Bold 9900. Well, if this new OS 7 smartphone takes your fancy and you’re a Vodafone customer, or perhaps what to be a Vodafone customer, you’ll be pleased to know that the Bold 9900…
iPhone 5 release revealed by Apple store hiring?
Apple to deck its stores out with lots more staff around proposed iPhone 5 launch date
iPhone 5 release scheduled for August?
Some more rumours have come our way regarding the much discussed release date for the iPhone 5, with a new job advert reportedly suggesting the new handset could be with us as early as August. The latest we heard about a release date was September – but a listing for new sales staff suggests that…