If you’re looking for an app to let you read digital magazines and newspapers on your BlackBerry PlayBook, you might want to sit tight until next month, as that’s when Zinio will be landing on the App World.
Zinio is an excellent app that allows you to subscribe to thousands of newspapers and magazines from around the world, download them directly to your tablet and read them on the go without the need for a Wi-Fi connection. It’s on Android and iOS and has proved to be hugely successful, and now the company has confirmed via its Twitter account that the app will come to the BlackBerry PlayBook next month.
An eager PlayBook owner tweeted the company recently asking when the app would come to RIM’s tablet, to which they replied:
“@Madooooooon Mid March. Still waiting for the exact date”
Luckily for PlayBook owners, RIM and Zinio have struck up a deal which means a $25 voucher comes with each and every download, which should net you several downloads of any publication you choose. If you’re struggling for ideas when it comes to spending your free credit, why not pick up the latest issue of Stuff or T3, which cost around £3 a piece. Both will give you your gadget fix, and have been created with digital and interactive elements.
Zinio is one of our favourite apps to use on Android tablets, giving a great reading experience on the move. The PlayBook has an excellent quality screen and is very portable and easy to hold, so should make for a great digital reading device on the go with Zinio.
If you want to know the minute Zinio is available on the BlackBerry App World, you can sign up to be notified here.
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Via: Crackberry