Nintendo’s Wii U console to be Region Locked – No Monster Hunter imports!

Now that we have pretty much all of the major information on Nintendo’s new Wii U console including its release date (November 30th her in the UK) pricing, and even the possible Games that will be coming on the release date, so now we have the headline news it’s time to get the all the little titbits out of the way.

Today’s news titbit is that the Nintendo’s Wii U console will be region locked upon its release so anyone expecting to get a Japanese copy of Monster hunter 3 or trying to snag early US releases will not be able too.

Japanese video game magazine, Famitsu, is reporting that the consoles will be region locked which will prevent the Wii U from playing software outside of specified territories. The company has announced the news in the latest magazine but a direct quote as translated on Twitter: “What can be played on the Wii U is restricted by a region-lock feature; software not sold in the same region cannot be played.”

Now we are well aware that Nintendo have had a long history of region locking their consoles (in some cases re-naming them too) when they have been released. With the company favouring cartridge devices for many years Piracy has always been an issue for the big N, but with some earlier Nintendo hardware actually featuring physical differences in carts as a means for region locking.

But what does this mean for us? Well some fans may be a little peeved about not getting some of the more Cult-y Japanese style games but that is not anything new to Nintendo gamers, but we should think ourselves lucky as we in the UK get the console before our Oriental friends but still after our US cousins.

So… anyone planning to import a Japanese Wii U now? If Nintendo of America’s strange localization timetables continue, we’re not sure how long we’ll be able to resist. Stay tuned to IGN for the latest details on Wii U as the system’s launch approaches

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