Samsung Galaxy S3 – A Minor Update With Eye Tracking Technology

According to reports, it would seem that the much talked about Samsung Galaxy S3 may not be that dissimilar to the current Galaxy S2.

A report on the Cnet site suggests that one of their reporters has inside information from a source within the UK telecoms industry, who says that the successor to the Galaxy S2 will be a relatively minor update. The anonymous source has sort of acknowledged that the Samsung device will feature an eye-tracking technology, something that’s reportedly called Human Interaction which will be able to perform tasks such as locking the screen when you look away.

 Apparently, Samsung have decided against completely overhauling the smartphone, but instead settled for an incremental update, a bit like the iPhone 4S.

Although the insider did not give any exact info as to what sort of spec the Galaxy S2 successor would have, he did say to expect a similar spec to the HTC One X. That features a 1.5 GHz quad-core CPU, 1GB of RAM as well as a 4.7-inch screen.

As you may be aware, Samsung have a press event scheduled for the 3rd of May, so it’s quite likely we’ll see the successor to the Galaxy S2 will be announced then. So, not too long to see whether this insider is right or not.

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