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Mozilla Firefox 4 released 22nd March

Mozilla has announced that it will be releasing the FINAL version of the Firefox 4 browser to the public on the 22nd of March after what seems like the Beta testing to end all Betas.

Firefox 4 coming March 22nd

Mozilla Firefox 4 has been in Beta for for an astonishing 12 rounds of testing and now Mozilla has finally deemed the browser ready to be used by the general public. Mozilla’s senior director of platform engineering, Damon Sicore, announced via Mozilla developer’s message board:

“Today’s triage session concluded with all systems go for a Firefox 4 launch on 22 March.”

SO Firefox users should be keen to get their hands on the final release product on the 22nd or March, that is providing no last minute bugs are found/created in that time as Sicore continued, “We will continue to have triage sessions on a daily basis to watch for major issues; however, at this point, we’ve concluded RC1 will become Firefox 4 final.”

Firefox 4 has been much delayed as it was originally intended for release in November of 2010 but because of issues and timing delays the beta has only just finished.

Will you be downloading Firefox 4 or do you use other browsers? Let us know on our Twitter page @Gadget_Helpline.