After triumphantly returning to Apple’s iOS devices yesterday, Google’s mapping software has shown once again that it is the leader of the pack, but unfortunately fans of Google Maps who have a new Windows Phone 8 device are in for some bad news, as Google has stated that it has no plans to launch the mapping software on Windows Phone 8 devices.
This isn’t just for Google Maps either, as Google has expressed that there just isn’t that much interest in its other products such as Gmail, Maps and Drive on the platform.
Speaking to V3, Google Apps Product Manager Clay Bavor said, “We are very careful about where we invest and will go where the users are but they are not on Windows Phone or Windows 8,” however Bavor didn’t write off WP8 completely as he stated: “If that changes, we would invest there, of course.”
What Google will be doing through is dedicating more resources to Apple’s iOS 6 and the apps for them. Updates to functionality and apps will be a focus of the company when it comes to iOS 6, which will include a new YouTube update which saw the video streaming app become iPhone 5 compatible.
Whilst Windows Phone 8 is making a small splash on its release, the modern iterations of the software are still only small fish compared to the Android and iOS operating systems so you can see why Google might want to sit back and see where WP8 goes and decide whether they should get involved.