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Ofcom bans 36 month mobile phone contracts

UK telecoms regulator Ofcom has introduced three new rulings to benefit UK mobile phone users.

The three new regulations will reduce contract lengths, improve phone number porting times and also introduce a new emergency SMS system.

Firstly UK networks will no longer be able to offer ridiculous 36 month contracts on mobile phones or mobile broadband, the limit is now set at 24 months maximum. Granted not many of the UK networks or retailers offered 36 month contracts, but the ruling will prevent customers getting sucked into very lengthy contracts where the chosen handset will be way out of date by the time the contract ends.

Along with reducing contracts, Ofcom have also enforced a new rule which means UK networks will have to carry out number porting within one business day. Up until now, asking a network to swap your mobile number over could take 3-5 days, sometimes longer. It’s a stressful process for customers, with some being given a temporary number while the process is carried out. The new regulation should make porting your number from one network to another a breeze.

Finally, a new emergency SMS scheme will be put in place to give customers the chance to send an emergency text rather than calling 999. Ofcom hope that the service will give people with hearing and speech problems easier access to the emergency services.

What do you think of the new Ofcom rulings? We’re especially happy with number porting times being cut! Let us know your thoughts via Twitter, or leave a comment below.