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Asus Padphone the Double Gadget!

A gadget within a gadget. Gadgetception.

So yeah, here’s this tablet/phone hybrid, the Padphone from Asus. As you can see it’s a tablet that if hungry can be fed with phones. But don’t let that fool you, because the device lacks the digestive systems necessary to process a mobile phone, so it sort of just holds onto it. However, the Padphone does include a docking station for the phone it carries, hopefully to share battery, and files.

The 10.1 inch tablet can also sneakily browse the web in tandem with its tiny 4.2 inch brethren, which packs what looks like a camera. This is a great move from Asus, synchronising the tablet and phone in the same package, allowing synchronous data transfer, charging and interchangeable screen sizes.

For those on the go who want to leave their larger tablet behind but keep its features, or those who want a bigger screen without having to rely on another device for calls, the Padphone is a pretty nifty solution, allowing discrete and context sensitive switching between phone and tablet.