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Move over wearables it’s time for Smart implants

Yesterday at the Cebit trade show in Hannover, Germany, on March 13, 2016, a man demonstrated that he could give his business card to anyone with a smart phone simply by waving his hand at their device.

The man in question was Patrick Kramer and he is the founder and CEO of Digiwell. As a company, Digiwell produces smart wearables and, following the CEO’s dream of making smart implants a reality, can microchip you too, right now at the Cebit trade show in Hanover, Germany.

The tech works by RFID and uses NFC to connect with smart phones. Not only did he demonstrate the business card transfer but, for an encore, he opened a locked door simply by placing his hand on the door handle. If anybody else tried to open it they were unsuccessful and the door remained locked.

Now to explain this sorcery. Kramer happily explained the secret to his tricks; in the flesh between his thumb and forefinger, he had previously inserted a tiny glass bead containing an NFC chip.

The microchipping of pets and livestock is becoming increasingly common, is actually a mandate in some countries, and will be compulsory (for dogs) in England & Scotland from April.

Digiwell are selling two types of implant, the newer xNT which operates at 13.56 MHz, and the older 125KHz xEM which is compatible with older RFID systems.

To make use of this technology, your phone will need to be able to use NFC (Near Field Communication), and it will cost you US$77, which will include the special syringe to install.

Although it is possible to DIY cyborg implant, Digiwell recommends you have it done by a qualified installer, a term that includes tattooists and vets.

So, what do you gain from installing this device?

Kramer, personally uses the chip to give business cards and lock/unlock the doors of his home. Other applications currently being tested include authorizing bitcoin transactions and checking in for flights, but who knows what else could be on the digital horizon!