Amazon planning family of Android devices

After the success of the non-Android Kindle, Amazon is rumoured to be releasing a full family of Android powered devices.

The rumours started with an Amazon tablet – the Kindledroid maybe? But insiders at have hinted that this may only be the beginning. There is no specification whether Amazon is looking at releasing different sized tablets or an Android E-Reader, but there are even hints that an Amazon Smartphone is in the works.

It makes sense with the release of the Amazon app store for Android, for at least a tablet to be produced. This would allow Amazon to put their own stamp on the Android operating system.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon’s CEO said “stay tuned” for more information, as the product which is rumoured to have been manufactured by Samsung could launch as early as this summer. However, androidandme have disputed this, stating that a release will more likely be in time for Christmas.

Either way the ever expanding world of Android will continue to grow, and Amazon look to be joining in on the fun.