It looks like the first of many Amazon Android devices is on its way sooner rather than later.

We have previously spoken about Amazon and their line of tablet devices as well as a possible smartphone, that have been rumoured for some time and no-one has been able to get any solid info on the devices Amazon have lined up.

But it looks like the wait for the first device is nearly over and Amazon’s first tablet could start shipping as early as August.

With the success of the Kindle and the Kindle 2 not long released, the Amazon Android tablet is sure to be a hit with the loyal Amazon users.

The specs of the tablet are still under wraps but it seems that it is going to be packing a TI processor and a Wintek touch screen, rather than the previously rumoured Nvidia processer and EIH touch screen panel.

Amazon is hoping to sell 4 million devices in 2011 alone and this could be the boost that Android needs in terms of numbers of tablet devices sold, and if previous rumours are true and there is a full portfolio of devices coming, we could be looking at a serious boom in Android device sales as well as user base.

There is no word on the size of the first Android device that Amazon is looking at releasing, but it is either going to be 7 or 10.1 inches and whichever one it is, the opposite size will be on its way shortly after.