The very latest Nielsen ratings for US smartphone OS usage figures put phones using the Android OS in top position yet again, with 43% usage among smartphone users, most of which are both today’s youth and those in the working professional age category according to the survey.

Of the 43 percent of all US mobile phone subscribers who own a smartphone – a mobile phone with a complex operating system capable of handling multiple applications and connecting to the internet – the vast majority are those are under the age of 44, according to Nielsen.
In addition, the statistical release from the group also says that 62 percent of mobile adults aged 25-34 have reported their ownership of a smartphone, whilst among 18-24 year olds and 35-44 year olds the smartphone penetration rate is currently somewhere around 54 percent.

The age segment with the second fastest-growing smartphone penetration rate is the 55-64 range. Smartphone penetration among this more mature group of mobile users is only somewhere around 30 percent, but increased 5 percent this business quarter.
Whilst the smartphone market and user base continues to skyrocket, we can all confirm which little robot remains securely fastened into the driving seat. Android remains the most popular smartphone operating system in the United States, holding a mighty 43 percent of the market, while longtime rivals Apple remain the top smartphone manufacturer, with 28 percent of smartphone consumers using an Apple iPhone.

The news isn’t as good for other manufacturers, however, as use of RIM’s BlackBerry OS has fallen somewhat – dropping from 20% of the smartphone OS market to just 18%. The same 2% drop can be said for the Windows Phone 7 and OS, dropping from a 9% share to just a 7% one.
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