Apple HQ hiring new security guards after iPhone breakout

Apple is seeking two new security guards to work at its Californian headquarters after the recent embarrassing breakout of one of the company’s iPhone 5 prototypes.

The position for ‘Product Security Manager’ will require applicants to have qualified in risk management and security assessment with at least five years of security service experience and not so much resemble your average shopping centre copper, but more a member of the A-Team – or should that be iTeam?


In late July, a member of Apple’s mobile engineering team is said to have left the infant iPhone in a San Francisco bar, only to have the early-stage gadget spotted and swiped by one of his fellow patrons. The engineer frantically called the Cava 22 bar to no avail, and Apple supposedly posed as the police to search a home from where the iPhone’s signal had been traced (any Apple ‘faux-po’ stunt has since been proven false). Coming up empty handed, the search for the missing device continues. This mirrors the loss of a pre-release model of the previous model iPhone in 2009, which also disappeared after a night on the town, only to be bought by a tech website.

The official Apple job description goes on to state the successful pair will be “overseeing the protection of, and managing risks to, Apple’s unreleased products and related intellectual property”. Maybe also a check into recreational habits would be advised?

“No after-work visits to the pub while in possession of the tech world’s hottest commodity” – perhaps should be made compulsory!

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