Apple iCloud services will be accessible via the Web

I’m sure all Apple fans out there will be aware of Apple’s announcement of iCloud at this year’s WWDC event.  Well, one of the questions users have been desperate to know is whether it will be possible to access the iCloud service from the Web, or if it would only be accessible via your iOS device.

Well it’s good news as according the information on Apple’s MobileMe transition FAQ page, it would seem that it is indeed possible to access your data from the web if you need to. So, this will mean you will be able to access your iCloud Mail, Contacts and Calendar straight from your web browser, and also “Find My iPhone” will also be available from later on this year.

Apple have also confirmed to users of MobileMe that when they are moved across to the new iCloud service, that all o thier photos, apps, music and books will not count against the 5GB of free storage that comes with iCloud.

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