Apple Speaks Out to Quell Reports of New iPad’s Battery and Charging Issues

Ever since Apple’s third generation iPad launched earlier this month we’ve been hearing reports of several minor issues relating to the battery. First we heard that the iPad was overheating, although through tests it has been found that the iPad operates at a normal heat – the same as rivals such as the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Prime, in fact.

Asides from overheating we’ve learnt that the new iPad has to be charged overnight to gain a full charge, due to the increased size in the battery cell used in it. That’s no problem either, although we’re sure it will become an inconvenience to some.

Most recently we’ve heard reports from several users that the iPad’s battery indicator shows 100% charge when the battery isn’t fully charged. Some have also reported that the iPad’s battery isn’t technically fully juiced up until an hour or two after the indicator on screen hits 100%. AllThingsD reached out to Apple recently for clarity on this subject, and surprisingly Apple got back to them with an answer.

Michael Tchao, Apple VP, confirmed that these recent reports were nothing to get concerned about. He confirmed that the new iPad – and all other iOS devices – will display 100% on the battery indicator before the device’s battery is technically fully charged. From here the iPad will continue to charge until the battery itself is completely charged.

Tchao explained that every iOS device will repeatedly discharge a small amount and recharge back up to 100% when on charge and around the full charge mark. He says this is a great feature that has been built into iPhones, iPod Touches and iPads for years, and it allows the user to leave their device on charge for as long as they like without worrying about overcharging the battery.

That circuitry is designed so you can keep your device plugged in as long as you would like,” Tchao said. “It’s a great feature that’s always been in iOS.”

So there we have it; it seems that many have forgotten that the iPad works much the same as all other iOS devices before it in terms of charging. As is usually the case with a new Apple product release, thousands will jump on the product to scrutinise every aspect in hopes of finding a problem.

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Source: AllThingsD