BlackBerry Music Service Now Offers Six Months Free Trial

Back in November, RIM launched a music service for its BBM (BlackBerry Messenger) on its smartphone range. Less than two months later RIM shot its own streaming scheme in the foot by inviting the long-established  and ever-popular Spotify onboard, bringing with it a 30-day trial and access to over 15-million tracks.

This was a somewhat daft move by the BlackBerry-maker, who while trying to push their multimedia content really needed a unique attraction to keep the music-listening mobile owners interested in what’s being offered from the Canadian co. In response to an apparent drop in interest for the native software, RIM is now extending the initial two-month free trial to BBM Music to a six-month free sample.

The social-savvy streaming network on BlackBerry gadgets allows users to swap tracks with pals on the BBM community meaning there’s potential for sharing of 7000 songs with up to 500 BBM buddies. Universal Music Group, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music Group and EMI are all signed up, so there is a top choice of around 10-million tunes available and recent updates has hooked the service up with Twitter and Facebook for added social appeal. Not so bad really, is it.

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