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Cheap Televisions May Be More Expensive in the Long Run

New tests conducted by market research magazine Which? on different types of televisions available to customers seem to suggest that low-cost supermarket brand televisions consume more power and cost more money on energy bills in comparison to brand-name counterparts, meaning expensive television models may be more financially viable to consumers in the long run.

The two televisions selected in the investigation were the relatively cheap £299 40 inch Technika 40-270 and the more expensive product, the £459 40-inch Sony Bravia KDL-40CX523.

Energy usage tests on both televisions by the magazine found that it costs £42 a year to run the cheaper Technika, whilst Sony’s set only cost £25 per year to run. Over a five year period the price of the two televisions, including initial cost and energy usage, came to £508 for Technika, and only slightly more for Sony at £559.

The statistics basically show that after 5 years of usage, the price difference between the two models is around £50, as opposed to the initial difference of £150. In theory if the figures could be applied over a longer period of time it would mean that the Sony television would end up costing users less. That is, if both televisions would either still work or be wanted a decade after purchase.

Which? Conversation editor Patrick Steen said: “Cut-price TVs don’t always add up. Not only do they often fail to offer the best picture quality, they also hold a hidden cost.

Their poor energy efficiency could leave you paying hundreds of pounds extra over the years.

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