Those of us who grew up with the granddaddy of first-person shooters Doom have been waiting a long time for a next instalment following 2004’s Doom 3, but rather than wait for Activision to continue the sci-fi saga, developer id has passed the torch onto Skyrim publisher Bethesda and the devilish duo have come up with something truly special ahead of a proposed 2013 launch of a close encounter of the fourth kind – all 3 preceding Doom titles will get a stunning and disturbing visual and audio make-over and will be rereleased in what’s being called the BFG Edition!
A trailer has just been launched ahead of E3 showing off the retro but restored Doom logo will look like as well as some gloriously gorey graphics with familiar foes and beasts roaming the corridors we once so feared to tread remember in the modern classic. And best of all – it looks dark as Hell!
The clip also promises that the reboot will bring new levels through a “Resurrection of Evil” bonus expansion pack and graphics especially designed with 3D play in mind, so your luck will be in if you own a top range set when the Doom BFG Edition hits this autumn. id and Bethesda are giving us a chance to get reacquainted with the frightful franchise on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 still a while before Doom 4. The new footage looks slick, action-packed and terrifying and we can’t wait to hear more about this pre-E3 treat when Bethesda arrives at the show next week!