Facebook brings free phone calls to UK iPhone users with Messenger app

The iPhone-toting UK public will soon be able to take advantage of free phone calls courtesy of the social network giant Facebook.

Facebook’s Messenger app for iOS will be updated later today to give iPhone users the option to make a free call to friends and family through the social networking app. Facebook has been testing this feature out in the US for a short while, and now we’re getting a look-in on this side of the pond.

Any iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch user with the free Facebook Messenger app installed will be able to make calls to other Facebook Messenger users via a 3G/4G or Wi-Fi connection. Like Skype, this will obviously eliminate the need to spend credit or a minutes allowance on regular phone calls, which is a huge plus.

When using the app you can browse your list of contacts, select the ‘I’ button and then choose ‘Free Call’ to initiate a phone call. When receiving a call you’ll get a screen much like the incoming call screen on an iPhone, giving options to accept or reject the call.

With the new version of Facebook Messenger set to launch later today, iPhone users will effectively be able to make free calls to others around the world – the US and Canada already have the service. Facebook hasn’t currently confirmed any plans to launch its Free Call service elsewhere in Europe.

Take a look in the Purchased section of the App Store on your iOS device later today to see if the update has arrived.