Facebook to Simplify Privacy Settings Today

Social networkers should prepare for more Facebook changes today. But don’t worry, it’s not the end of the world; these changes are actually for the better, as the web’s leading social site is revising the way we manage our privacy settings, making the terminology much more easy to understand.

Rolling out later today at around 10pm Eastern Time in the States (or 3am here in Great Britain), Facebook will simplify the currently confusing options which control how much of our socially shared content including photos, status updates, wall posts and personal information is seen by friends, friends of friends, stalker exes and general nosey parties.

So, how simple are these new simplified settings going to be? Following recent changes to improve the way we remove unwanted photo tags and moderating events on our activity log, instead of going through the existing privacy settings and making uncertain checks on various wordy options, we’ll now find a lock symbol in the top right hand corner. Clicking this will present a list of privacy shortcuts including very basic descriptions such as “Who Can See My Stuff?” and “How Do I Stop Someone Bothering Me?”

This Facebook update is in response to feedback about the overcomplicated privacy procedure that has left many questioning the safety of the social site. Putting it across in layman’s terms should encourage one billion plus active users feel more at ease when sharing from their personal accounts.