Fix the Samsung Galaxy Nexus Volume Bug… Unofficially!

Last week we reported on the ongoing issue that new customers with the Samsung Galaxy Nexus flagship Android handset were experiencing, whereby their phone would suddenly drop all volume to silent, due to internal radio interference and software related problems.

Well for the customers who have been experiencing the issue there is a fix in place, but trust us it’s not for the feint hearted and it definitely isn’t an official fix from Google.

The fix comes via Android loving forums MoDaCo and it involves using the Android boot and needing your bootloader to be unlocked… the simple matter is that if you don’t know what “unlocking your Bootloader” entails, then the fix is probably not for you.

This is probably a good thing, as the fix supplied is not an official fix from Google so if it is put in place by a customer the volume bug fix will void your Samsung Galaxy Nexus‘ warranty!

Despite the bug fix not being completely above board, it is a fix that Google themselves have developed and are still testing, they just haven’t released it to the public yet. A sneaky developer has gotten his or her hands on the software and made it available to those daring enough to install it onto their phones.

Many early adopters to the Samsung Galaxy Nexus have experienced issues related to volume control on the device. Some have experienced the volume dropping out completely for indefinite periods of time, sometimes when on calls and sometimes in general applications such as music or games.

Other users have reported little to no response from the volume rocker keys on the phone when pressed, causing speculation to whether the problem could be hardware related rather than a software glitch. However, through testing Google has discovered that the volume rocker becomes unresponsive at the same time as the volume dropping out, and thankfully it’s just a software bug.

The Galaxy Nexus is the first to run Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, and will be the new Google Android flagship handset which means that users of the device should always expect minor bugs and glitches to start with. The smartphone will for the next few months always get the most up to date version of the Google Android OS (Currently sporting 4.0.1 Ice Cream Sandwich) before any other phone.

We loved theNnexus handset and you can check out our video review here (when it’s finished!) to see all the great features of the smartphone. However, if you really want to fix the issue before Google then remember we have warned you, and you can see the full instructions here.

Google has already stated that it is working on a fix for the software and it will be with us in the next couple of weeks.

Check out the Similar Nokia Lumia 800 release day issues!

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