Skyrim Reveals Interesting Secret
Skyrim’s got all kinds of secrets up its sleeve, as intrepid gamers have been exploring the absolute bejesus out of the Nordic province, with mixed results. Several players, in search of delicious mammoth cheese, have been punted miles and miles skyward by giants as they venture close to their camps and livestock.
This may seem tragic, and hilarious, but some players couldn’t help but notice the abundance of land seemingly outside Skyrim itself on their unexpected flight.

As discovered by the writer of this blog here (much explorer love to Jesse, 19, of Finland for posting this) the very south-eastern point of Skyrim is host to a mysterious and completely inviting path into the province of Morrowind, as shown above. Fans of Morrowind may remember said province for its xenophobic, gruff inhabitants and totally inhospitable landscapes.
On further inspection it seemed that the entire landmass of Tamriel, the Elder Scrolls main (but not only), playable continent was apparently modeled into the game, either for the purpose of a nice view when being punted by giants or maybe for a deeper purpose, such as expansion into lands unknown. More detailed pictures are available through the link above.
Hideo Kojima Admits High Probability of Future Metal Gear Solid 5 Release
In the absence of the much previewed, long wanted Metal Gear Solid: Rising, interviewers have picking the brains of the man behind the bestseller stealth franchise, Hideo Kojima, for any information at all regarding the series, continuing the main story arc, and release dates in general. The developer himself has remained vague in his answering, but let slip recently that he would ‘probably’ have to make Metal Gear Solid 5 at some point.

“I think we’ll probably have to make it [a sequel to MGS4] at some point, but what that will be, we have no idea,” is the exact quote featured in Official Playstation Magazine.
“As far as my involvement in the project is concerned, [it] probably won’t be as much as it was with MGS1 – maybe I can do just one stage!” he said.
“For MGS1 I made the maps myself, laid out the enemy routes myself, did everything hands-on – that level I can’t do again.”
The developer is also working on mystery game, code named Project Ogre, and is also set to re-reveal Metal Gear Solid Rising at the Spike Video Game Awards next month.
New Tomb Raider Movie Set to Show Lara Croft Origins
The upcoming Tomb Raider reboot movie, announced in March and debuting in cinemas in 2013, is set to give viewers a ‘very different’ origin story for the character of Lara croft, apparently in a similar vein to recent reboots such as Batman Begins and Casino Royale.
The movie’s producer Graham King explained the movie’s direction in a recent interview with Coming Soon.
“Listen, the box office, they [previous Tomb Raider films] weren’t disasters but I find it interesting that the story that we’re telling is really the story before she became Lara Croft, so it is a character piece,” he said.
“It does have a lot of really great characters, but it’s a lot of action and a lot of fun, and for me, it’s something very different. I’ve not really done a movie like that before, but I really gravitated to rebooting this franchise and we’re going to give it a shot.”
The movie’s script writers Mark Fergus and Hawk Ostby, will probably make the reboot brilliant in it’s own right, as their repertoire includes the original Iron Man movie as well as cult favorite Children of Men.
Fergus and Ostby are confident that they will be able to pen an “origin story for Lara Croft that solidifies her place alongside Ellen Ripley and Sarah Connor in the pantheon of great female action heroes”.
No word as of yet has been revealed on whether the movie will tie into the upcoming game or which actress will be playing Lara Croft, as he 35 year old Angelina Jolie just seems a bit too aged for the role as the young and inexperienced protagonist.
Rockstar Talks of Bully Sequel
Much love has been expressed by fans and developer Rockstar for controversial high-school antics title Bully, which brought the GTA feel to a scholastic setting in 2006.
The game caused major outcry by parents and political players alike, with UK Labour MP Keith Vaz calling for it to be banned and Currys and PC World both refusing to stock it. Conversely the appeal of the game was critically acclaimed by many, with outlets such as Eurogamer scoring the title around 90%.
Since the title’s re-release in 2008 no word on sequels or reboots has been put out there, but a Rockstar executive, Dan Houser, said Rockstar is still keeping the title in mind – and will look at it again once Max Payne 3 is released.

“Contrary to a lot of people, we like to take a little bit of time at the end of a game before starting a sequel, so we can wait for the excitement or disappointment and everything else of the experience to shake down and really see what we should do in the next game,” he said.
“So we knew that we didn’t want to start doing the Bully sequel instantly at that second with those guys — even though it is a property that, like Max, we adore and might come back to in the future. There was just no impetus to do that then.
“So we said, ‘You can do Max, and then we will see what we can do with Bully.'”
Keep your fingers crossed, and your slingshot elastic pristine, for another Bully title soon.
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