LG’s Google Nexus 5 Android Smartphone – Picture and Specifications Leaked

It seems as though Google’s next flagship smartphone, the Nexus 5, is the latest Android model to break cover prematurely, as today a photo and specifications have been leaked ahead of the expected October launch.

The image was exposed by Androidandme and shows off the Nexus 5 hardware – codenamed ‘Megalodon’ – with what appears to be a graphic from the Ubisoft game Watch Dogs on its speculated 5.2” Full HD OLED display. Other information accompanying this picture offers up specs such as a 2.3GHz Qualcomm Snapdragon CPU, a generous 3GB of RAM and 64GB internal storage.

The Google Nexus 5 is also said to be capable of super-sharp 4K video capture through a 16-megapixel camera developed in partnership with OmniVision, with a 3300mAh battery offering lengthy periods of use.

The leak is suggested to have come directly from a Google insider and this is believed to either be one of several prototypes which are rumoured to have been developed or (as the web source admits) could be the work of a ‘troll’.

If true however, with specifications this impressive Google and LG’s Nexus successor looks set to give the recently announced Samsung Galaxy S4 and HTC One a run for their money when it finally hits later in the year and quite possibly available in the new dedicated Google stores.

To us, a smartphone with 4K video capture seems a little far fetched for now, as does the 2.3GHz clock speed of the processor. The image itself looks to be something knocked up by somebody with average design skills, indicated by the not-quite symmetrical curved top and bottom of the phone.