IFA 2011: Sony Brings Back The Walkman

Before we all had iPods – Walkman was the by-word for a cool music player – the Walkman brand was massive hit during its ten year reign at the top and it sold a whopping 250,000 million units worldwide – well it’s back.

Sony showed off a new prototype walkman at today’s IFA – the Android-based media player is looking to cash-in on some of the good-will left in the Sony brand.

The device runs standard market place apps, and is going into direct competition with the iPod touch and Samsung Galaxy S media player. The device will come with Sony newly launched Music Unlimited service.

A Sony Android walkman has been touted since 2009 and it actually looks like Sony is finally going to be releasing it  “soon”. But is it too late to try and take on the iPod and iTunes?

It sports a 4.3-inch LCD touchscreen, is compatible with Bluetooth headphones and comes with mini-HDMI port.

Sony is pitching the new player at audiophiles and comes with the Sony W music app which will keep all your tracks in tip top condition and fully organised.

Music will be reproduced very well as the player comes with the S-Master MX software which attempts to beef up MP3’s so they don’t sound like compress Youtube streams.

The HDMI and DLNA suggests a home media device, but what about your TV shows and movies? You’ll be wanting a set-top box for that, and a hi-fi for your music. It doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere, does it?

Pricing and detailed specs on the Sony’s Android Walkman aren’t available yet and there’s no word on when it’ll be available.

Is it too late to trying to take on the iPod and is Walkman still a credible brand for Sony since the iPod ?

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