iPad 3 To Come With Retina Display According To LG CEO

When Apple released its iPad 2 we were bitterly disappointed when they didn’t include a Retina Display for the tablet. Well LG CEO, Young Soo Kwon, has hinted that the next iPad 3 will indeed have a Retina Display.

According to the loose-lipped CEO his company’s Retina Display “has been used in iPhones and iPads”. iPads? Was that a slip of the tongue, or is this the first proper hint that the next iPad is coming with an eye-scorching Retina display?

Well, we’ve been dreaming of a Retina Display for the iPad for ages and numerous sources including DigiTimes, Korea Times and Daring Fireball’s John Gruber, have all but confirmed the hike in resolution – now factor in Kwon’s admission and everything is pointing to our tech dream coming true.

An iPad with a Retina display would mean a resolution of 2048 x 1536, a full four-times that of the second and first generation iPads – it would look simply stunning.

We’re now beginning to piece together what the next iPad might look like, but we’re still a ways away from nailing down the remaining upgrades. Will Apple introduce its first quad-core processor in the third generation slate?

For many, the iPad 2 represented just an incremental update. With quad-core Honeycomb tablets now being teased, a high-def display of this nature would help Apple stay one step ahead of the tablet curve.

Although, we don’t think that you’ll be seeing a Retina Display on an iPad 2 until the second quarter of 2012 – most likely April. Apple has only just perfected the supply chain and production, and for the first time is now able to offer iPads in shops instead of customers having to wait weeks for the prized tablet.