iPad 3 shows off its bits – Component photos further suggest a September launch

Apple’s next-gen iPad has been seen online. Kinda..

The guts of the iPad 3 have started to appear online in component photos, suggesting that the gadget’s launch is imminent. Even as far back as the iPad 2’s March release Apple-bobbers have been filling their drool-cups for more of that fruity slab – and it might not be that far off.

Suggested to come packing 2048 x 1536 retina display and will feature 3D. Parts of the iPad 3 have been appearing on SW-Box website, who claims these are the real deal. Pictures of non-descript internal components doesn’t give us much to go on, but it’s enough to fire up excitement and get that rumour mill buzzing once again.

The parts in the picture shown are said to be part of the powering on and volume setting, but we really want to see the outside and see this thing in action. With bits now on show, maybe we will get that September announcement as heavily speculated.

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Source: SW-Box.com