iPad Air 2 benchmark test – triple-core and 2GB of RAM

The iPad Air 2 specs haven’t been all that clear, Apple for reasons unknown to us decided to be particularly vague about the tablet’s specs. The only information they really gave us regarding the insides of the new iPad Air was that it ran on an A8X processor.
Fortunately there are people in the world who work out all the bits we aren’t told for us, iPhoneBenchmark are one such group. They ran all the usual benchmark tests on the Apple iPad Air 2 and confirmed it most likely boasts a triple-core chipset and 2GB of RAM. The results appear to confirm that the A8X chip sports three cores with clock speeds of 1.50GHz, whilst going a way towards confirming rumours that the slate offers double the RAM of its predecessor.

iPhoneBenchmark don’t just do this to work out what its running, they conducted these tests to establish how its performance compares to the original iPad Air. The iPad Air 2 was handed a benchmark score of 69,059, this is the highest rating any Apple made mobile device has ever achieved, good work Apple. For comparisons sake the iPhone 6 scored 44,299, and the original iPad Air was rated at 37,868. Just under double the performance of its predecessor.

See Also: iPad Air 2 goes on sale in today at Apple Stores and in selected John Lewis stores
Benchmark tests are designed to place the device and all its workings under the maximum stress they can, so they cannot be seen as a representation of real world performance and should be used more in a sense of how much power is on offer if you pushed the device.