iPhone Plus: The Most Beautiful iPhone Concept We’ve Seen Yet

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It’s been a good 8 or so months since Apple last launched an iPhone – the ‘disappointing’ yet record sales-breaking iPhone 4S – which means we’re closer to Apple’s annual launch of a new model than we are to the last one being launched.

The Cupertino Company is set to host its WWDC event next month, where it is likely to disappoint hopeful fans with no new iPhone in sight. Instead it will tee up the software side of things for a new phone, announcing iOS 6 with its own mapping solution and new features, as well as additions to iCloud.

With rumours flying about surrounding the size, shape and even the materials used for the new iPhone, fans out there want to see what’s coming, or at least something similar to get their gadget pulses racing. Many graphic designers out there are Apple fans, and one of those is Antiono de Rosa of ADR Studios – the same place that created the interesting Instagram Socialmatic Camera. He’s gone to great lengths to design the iPhone 5 that he wants to see Apple launch later this year, and he’s called it the ‘iPhone Plus’.

We’ve got to say: it’s the most beautiful iPhone concept we’ve seen to date, and there’s been plenty already. Antonio’s design takes hold of the rumours that Apple would use a tough yet premium-look material called ‘Liquidmetal’, despite the founder of the material recently saying that Apple is unlikely to use it in a product for a few years yet.

The iPhone Plus is ultra-thin and formed from a single piece of Liquidmetal so as to show no seams or ways in to the phone – just how Apple likes things. On the front there is a 4.3-inch Retina Display screen with double alkali-alluminosilicate sheet glass to protect it from scratches, dings and drops.

On the inside Antonio proposes an impressive yet ambitious set of specifications: A quad-core A6 processor, 10-megapixel  f/2.4 rear camera, 2-megapixel front camera, rear motion sensor, pico projector on the top, fully capacitive touch home button.

Check out the gallery of images below for a good look an Antonio de Rosa’s iPhone Plus concept. We think you’ll agree it’s a beauty – would you buy one of these?

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Via: PhoneArena, ADR Studios