Jaw-Dropping 75-inch Samsung ES9000 TV Now on Sale For $17,424

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Not content with launching one of the most impressive TVs of the year, Samsung has decided to up its game and up the size with a new model: the 75-inch ES9000.

This behemoth will probably require a wall being knocked through to get it into most houses – it’s that big. Samsung’s current flagship ES8000 range goes up to a 55-inch model here in the UK, but this is on another level.

The ES9000 has an incredibly slender bezel of just 7.9mm running around the edge of the screen, which is said to be finished in ‘rose gold’. When looking straight on at the TV, all you’ll be seeing is screen – and 75 inches of it – with no thick black panel around the edges.

As with the ES8000 series, Samsung has created one of the smartest Smart TVs on the market. You’ll be able to control it using a standard remote or a touch remote, or by voice, or even by using motion control, Nintendo Wii style. Voice control happens to be our favourite – nothing beats walking into a room and saying “Hi TV, turn on!” to surprise your mates.

There’s also a dual-core processor inside and Samsung’s Smart Hub for app downloads, which offers the likes of BBC iPlayer, Netflix and YouTube, to name but a few. For the privilege of owning one of the biggest and best TVs in the world you’ll naturally need to dig deep into your pockets – the price tag is a cool $17,000 or £11,000. We’d be digging so deep into our pockets we’d probably end up in China.

Samsung counterbalances the expense with a clever slot on the back of the TV, which is designed to accommodate a card called ‘Smart Evolution’. This card can effectively overclock your TV to become faster, provide a better picture, and add new features, and Samsung aims to launch new ones yearly to keep their top TVs at the top.

The 75-inch ES9000 will be available in Samsung’s homeland of Korea as of now, and we’re hoping it will come to the UK shortly.

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