Motorola CEO Confirms 2 New Tablets For 2011

Motorola held their quarterly earnings call yesterday to let investors and those interested know how well they’ve been doing sales-wise for the past 3 months. During the presentation, Motorola CEO Sanjay Jha was rather open when talking about the company’s plans for the rest of the year.

He confirmed that the long awaited Droid Bionic smartphone would be launching on U.S. networks sometime in September of this year. He also mentioned that at least one other 4G superphone would be released before years out, though he didn’t confirm exactly what it would be.

The Droid Bionic will be a great handset, though as with most Droid-branded handsets it will only be released in the U.S. unfortunately. What got us really excited was when Sanjay Jha confirmed that Motorola would be releasing not one but TWO new tablet devices before the end of the year. Hello Moto!

Both tablets will be 4G LTE compatible, meaning they will most likely be released in the U.S. firstly, as they have 4G networks. However, Motorola are bound to release Wi-Fi only and 3G versions of each tablet for sale in other markets, namely Europe, which makes us happy. One tablet is most likely the sequel to the Xoom tablet that we’ve heard a bit about before. Sanjay had little to say about the other tablet, though he did confirm it would be a smaller size. Our bet is a 7-inch Blackberry Playbook-style device.

Motorola are sure that both tablets will hit the market well before the end of year. We’re slightly sceptical after the long wait for a 4G Xoom tablet to become available, but we have plenty of faith (and hope) in Moto, and we’re mighty excited for two new tablets.

What do you think Motorola’s forthcoming tablet pair could be? Let us know your thoughts! Don’t forget to follow our Twitter and Facebook Pages.

Via: Slashgear