Motorola will not have Nexus ‘rights’ even after Google have bought them.

Google’s Nexus devices, have been the kings of Android handsets, they are the first to get the latest updates, and their tends to be a new version of Android when the new Nexus device comes out. The two Nexus handsets that have came out have been decided by the handset manufacturers bidding for the rights to 2 work with Google on something that is a combination of a developers device, and a handset ready for public consumption.

So with Motorola being bought by Google, one would automatically think that Google’s own new hardware will get exclusive rights for their own brand Nexus devices. Well that seems not to be the case.

Androids Andy Rubin had given us a little bit of an insight to what’s going to happen from here on out:

“We have this strategy where we have this Nexus program, and we have this lead device strategy. That strategy has worked quite well to help focus the team.

What we do is that we select each — around Christmastime of each year — we select a manufacturer that we work very closely with to release a device in that time frame. That includes, also, semiconductor companies and all of the components that go in the device.

Essentially the teams huddle together in one building. They jointly work in these development efforts — they go on for nine to 12 months. And ultimately at the holiday season, or right before it, devices pop out that are based on this effort.

We don’t expect that to change at all. The acquisition is going to be run as a separate business. They will be part of that bidding process, and part of that lead development process. And obviously Android remains open to other partners to use as they are today.”

This is good news to all the other Android using manufacturers, I for one think the idea of a different Nexus device every year keeps the handsets different and individual.