The brand new Myspace has officially opened its doors to the public today after a couple of months of selective invite-only memberships being offered to the press and certain users. Now the Justin Timberlake-fronted website is open to all visitors to register and join the oldest and technically the newest social network.
You can check out our full thoughts on the new Myspace from early December, including a run down of the new features and design by clicking here.
The redesign sees the website not just looking different but with a completely revamped set of features and functionality. First up is the ability to connect to Myspace solely by logging in with your Facebook account, so the site is not trying to be just another social networking site, but more of a music-centric sharing site.
What users will find out about the new Myspace is that music is well and truly back at the forefront, as the site incorporates some of the sharing and following functionality of the original Myspace, but this time with in-depth artist, band, people and music areas that will allow you to use the site as a music streaming service as well as social media sharing site.
Myspace always found strength in delivering band and artist pages to everyone and being a beacon for new music, and with this redesign it means that your local band will be able to get as much of a share of the spotlight as bands such as the Foo Fighters and Biffy Clyro.

The official launch was made quietly, with the company’s new frontman Justin Timberlake taking centre stage on the homepage with a link to his new single, which we’re unsure of, but if you do want to promote your new website then why not do it with a well-timed single promotion.
We have been using the new Myspace for the past few months and have enjoyed the new layout and abilities of the website. There are still a few things for the site to work out and you do get the age old issues of promoters trying to “befriend” you online to sending you information about every gig in the country, but with a bit of input from music lovers we feel Myspace can be relevant again in the world wide web.