No Nintendo Press Conference at E3 2014

Nintendo looks to reinvent its approach to the E3 event this year by dropping any press conference and instead will bring its products to the event floor and online to show off its latest offerings to the gaming industry and its fans, in a new campaign called ‘Play Nintendo’.

The Nintendo booth at the E3, which runs from June the 10th to 12th 2014 in Los Angeles, will be broadcasting live Digital Events rather than making stage appearances debuting new games online in similar format to the regular Nintendo Direct web shows. They believe this offers everyone at home and those unable to attend the event in person, the chance to get involved.

Nintendo will demo new game releases live from the booth and also give an insight to ‘The Treehouse’ – Nintendo’s very own development department to see what the future hold for Nintendo’s current and future platforms.

For on-site attendees there will be a Super Smash Bros. Tournament with the brand new edition of the long-standing combat game launching soon Nintendo look to showcase one of its crown jewels which will appear on both Wii U and 3DS.

Nintendo encourages fans to keep abreast of schedules and events by visiting it’s dedicated E3 webpages ahead of this year’s exciting event.