Nintendo has given a video sample of the furious fighting action that we can expect from its new Super Smash Bros. game for Wii U which will be launched in late 2014. But hang around till after the main promo for a surprise that will blow your mind!
While preparing for battle once more and launching an E3 Invitational Tournament to celebrate the new game Nintendo has apparently been working on controller options for the new Super Smash Bros. and has very secretively developed a piece of hardware which will allow players to use the classic GameCube controller in co-operation with the Wii U!
In the promo clip the GameCube Controller Adapter for Wii U is seductively shown off from multiple angles accompanied by a more than suitable porno-esque backing tune. It even relies on cables to connect it all up, bringing back fond memories from yesteryear of multiplayer frenzy on one of Nintendo’s most beloved consoles.
Nostalgics may remember tiptoeing over their mate’s controller wires after being eliminated from a brutal battle when the franchise was unleashed on GameCube in 2001 as Super Smash Bros. Melee. The hub relies on those same chunky connections and will fit four classic GC controllers, that you may still have kicking around, as well as what looks like a redesigned GameCube controller with Super Smash Bros 2014 logo emblazoned on.
Neither release date nor a price has been given and only enough has been seen to get trigger fingers itching. Nobody would have expected that in the midst of Nintendo’s recent investor pressure to drop the hardware and shift to software only and mobile games that they’d choose to bring joy to the loyal fans by unveiling a Gamecube Controller Adapter for Wii U which we presume will also be compatible with the new Mario Kart 8 released today.

Even during times when our relationship is strained, and the gaming market evolves and machines like the Xbox One and PS4 stand dominant, the little company that could still manages to play for our hearts..