O2 Connect to launch VoIP WiFi calls and text service

Free communication tools are all the rage on mobile devices at the moment. With the likes of iMessage and WhatsApp Messenger launching to rival BBM, you’d think that the networks would be doing anything in their power to stop the trend. Not O2, though, who are about to launch a VoIP service of their own through O2 Connect.

The app, which will be launching on Android and iPhone, will allow users to make calls and send text messages between any two O2 phones with the app installed for free, so long as both sender and recipient are on WiFi. You won’t be able to make international calls with O2 Connect, nor will you be able to make video calls.

It’ll be launching in earnest next year, but 1000 O2 customers will be randomly selected to use the service this month on a trial basis. “This trial will allow us to explore the potential of delivering VoIP services to customers. We hope to launch O2 Connect as a commercial service in 2012,” said O2. Let us know your thoughts on our comments below or via our @Gadget_Helpline Twitter page or Official Facebook group.