O2 network down in London due to break-in and vandalism

If you’re based in London and on the O2 network, you may have experienced signal issues or perhaps have even lost the ability to send and receive SMS and calls.

In the middle of last night, thieves broke into one of O2’s data centres in East London, stealing equipment and causing extensive damage. The damage caused has resulted in an outage of signal across areas of London, causing O2 customers to be unable to make and receive calls and text, as well as a loss of 3G data coverage.

O2 posted a blog late last night to explain the situation, stating “no estimated time for this to be fixed, however we’re working on getting our network up and running as soon as possible and expect it to be today” .

The image above is a map posted by GiffGaff who are a Virtual Network sharing the O2 service. The red area highlights the areas of London and even further afield which may have lost 2G coverage due to the break-in. You can view more maps of the outage here.

This incident isn’t the first of its kind, pretty much the same thing happened to Vodafone a few months back.

Been affected by the O2 signal outage? Let us know what’s been happening with your signal by leaving a comment below.

UPDATE: It looks as though O2 have restored service to most of, if not all, of South East London.