Orange & T-Mobile top Ofcom broadband & mobile customer service poll

Ofcom has completed a UK poll which started in February and aimed to find out which of our communications providers brings most customer satisfaction when it comes to customer service from both broadband and mobile carriers.

Those results have just been released and Yahoo! Finance reveals the following:

Topping the broadband table is Orange, with 76% of customers voicing their satisfaction with the service they receive and only 11% claiming to be dissatisfied with the service they received. This was followed by BSkyB who received a 60% satisfaction rate with only 16% of its customers unpleased. TalkTalk/Tiscali hit bottom with only 52% of happy customers and 13% dissatisfied. General complaints included difficulties connecting to the right person when needing help, also connection issues and higher than expected charges, which caused some dissatisfaction across all of the providers.

The mobile customer service poll was bested by T-Mobile and O2, both amounting to 72% satisfaction respectively. However, with only 9% dissatisfied and 19% neutral T-Mobile took the top spot.

Thousands of UK customers were interviewed to gather these results, and were asked to rate their service within the last 3 months. The poll also gathered results for landline provider’s customer service and saw BSkyB come up trumps in its category.

The full results of the polls for broadband, mobile and landline customer service can be found at Yahoo! Finance.

The BBC are currently employing a mobile app to gather their own set of results, this will reveal the best and worst places to connect to 3G in the UK. Read the Gadget Helpline article and find out how to get the app in this article.

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