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Playstation Network experiencing problems – Anonymous to blame?

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Over the past 24 hours Sony has been struggling to maintain stability with its Playstation Network (PSN), as well as the Playstation website.

Outages began in Europe last night and have now spread as far as North America, with gamers experiencing downtime from the online games network quite frequently overnight.

Who or what is responsible for the problems? Worldwide “hacktivist” group Anonymous are claiming responsibility for the problems Sony is currently experiencing. Anonymous recently posted a blog declaring their disliking of Sony, which they claim stems from Sony’s lawsuit against infamous Playstation and iPhone hacker George Hotz (or GeoHot, as he prefers to be known).

Anonymous stated in their blog post “Congratulations, Sony. You have now received the undivided attention of Anonymous. Your recent legal action against our fellow hackers, GeoHot and Graf_Chokolo, has not only alarmed us, it has been deemed wholly unforgivable.”

Sony’s Playstation Support team tweeted last night that the problems were merely due to “Sporadic Maintenance”. So who is telling the truth, Sony or Anonymous?

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