PS3 Metldr Exploit Leaked, With Developer Mathiuelh Claiming Ownership

A while back we let you know about one of the more recent developments in the PS3 Hacking scene, that was the E3 flasher, allowing you to boot into two different versions of the PS3’s game OS, giving you the option of running an up to date software for online gaming, and a CWF 3.55 software for running homebrew and backed up games.

Well it seems like the PS3 hacking scene may be about to blow up again, and Sony may not be able to stop it this time!

Well basically a Metldr Exploit has been leaked, what is that you ask? Back when the PS3 was first hacked, Geohot released the keys for the Game OS allowing the PS3 innards to be released to the world, bringing Homebrew and the ability to play backup games from the hard drive.  He extracted the PS3 keys using a Metldr Exploit.

So with this new Metldr Exploit there is a chance that we can once again get the keys needed to open up the PS3 possible giving us access to Homebrew on the most recent versions of the PS3 Game OS and once again getting one up on Sony, who were all but sure the PS3 was unHackable.

Not long after the exploit was made public, developer Mathiuelh has came forward claiming ownership of it (possibly not the wisest of things to do considering Sony had a field day with other developers in the PS3 scene).

You can see here a full quote from Mathiuelh, and if I’m honest he does not seem happy that this has been leaked. Below is the final line and just a snippet of the quote, but I do think you should have a read of the rest.

“Now as a final line, I’d like to say screw leakers, screw the scene, and this is my last contribution to it EVER. It seems I can’t even trust fellow developers to keep my work safe and not leaking it. (Not like any of them would have been able to tell you how all this even works in the first place)

So long, everyone.
Remember, don’t ever bite the hands that feed you.”

As I Said Mathiuelh does not seem happy, but hopefully the leak will lead to some much needed advancement in the PS3 hacking scene.

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