RIM Discusses Android Apps On Playbook Software

After yesterday’s scare about its PlayBook, RIM, has clarified what it has planned for the tablet by discussing the companies aim to make a layer of software to allow Android apps to be effortlessly ported to the Playbook.

At the conference Droidcon in Romania engineers revealed they already managed to achieve support for the Google Maps API, SIP and VOIP support.

BlackBerry’s Runtime for Android Apps was showed at the event and is a ‘pre-release’ version, the company also stated that there would be more API’s available over time.

“The BlackBerry Runtime for Android Apps and associated tools are designed to help developers quickly and easily bring their Android Java applications to the BlackBerry PlayBook” the spokesperson explained.

“The current Android Player is a pre-release version and RIM is planning to add support for more APIs in future releases.

“It is important to note that the majority of Android apps will be able to run fully on the BlackBerry PlayBook and without any modification to the app’s source code,” the spokesperson added.

Not quite sure when the innovative software will come to retail and current customers remains unclear as RIM hasn’t confirmed when the public release would be.

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