Samsung Launches PIN App for Android – Check-in at Your Nearest “Pop-Up” Galaxy SIII Test Shop

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You may recall in the week building up to the launch of 2012’s top selling smartphone – the Galaxy SII – that its makers Samsung arranged for a try-before-you-buy type of thing held within the walls of a “pop-up” store in London’s Westfield Shepherd’s Bush and the Old Spitalfields Market.

Now these kiosk shops – or PINs as they are being called – are starting to pop up elsewhere and to get you to visit them Samsung has released a new app for Android devices which allows you to “check in” and gain badges when you enter or come near to one of these innovative test centers. From what we understand, you need to open the app when nearby and then you will have one minute to find the PIN store and check-in to grab your badges. The more Samsung PIN badges you collect the more chance you have of winning one of the “great prizes” Samsung has on offer (but is yet to announce).

On July 1st the app will begin a “grand countdown” and a number on one of the badges will be selected randomly with the winning badge holder gaining the goods! You can grab the app now on most Android devices from the Google Play store.

For those of you still pondering the idea of buying the new Samsung Galaxy SIII which is finally here in the U.K you can check out our featured review roundup and drop test which are part of our coverage of this must smartphone – which packs a nippy 1.4GHz quad-core CPU and newest Android OS Ice Cream Sandwich.

You can also check out our “Compare Phone Prices” tool for the best Contract, Pay As You Go and SIM free deals by clicking the tab above.

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