For the kids at heart everywhere, you will love this.
As I was browsing through the web today I came across something pretty cool, actually, more than just pretty cool, this stuff is awesome!
So, if you are the kind of person who enjoys tinkering around and home-hacking devices etc then this will be right up your alley.
Sugru itself is a moldable glue that, when removed from the package and shaped into your requirements, will then harden in no time using the air around it as a catalyst.
Need a cable tidy? Why not use a lego man/woman?

Fed up with trying to carry 3-4 full mugs of tea for your work colleagues when no trays are available?
If you use hexagonal jam jars couple with bent forks they will link together quite nicely and can be carried with one hand, thus leaving your other hand free to open doors.

The material comes in sealed packs and you can get them in multiple colours, so the possibilities are endless, all you need is an idea and you are set.
The site itself is quite a good read too, it explains in full detail exactly how this magical material came into being. It also has a list of guides and ideas submitted by users of Sugru from all over the world.
Best of all, the company are offering anyone who wants it a free sample, just fill in your details on the site and they will send a pack out to you to test and play around with. Perhaps your idea may end up on their guide section, the company as a whole really seem to be engaged with all their customers and love to see all the innovations mailed to them from across the world.
Happily looking forward to my sample appearing through the post!