Tag: 80
Govt. Data Requests To Facebook Rise
Another chapter in the landmark debate of ‘privacy vs. national security’ is unfolding as we speak – as Facebook have reported a massive spike in government interest in the information stored on their servers. It’s completely legal and proper for a government, in countries such as the UK or US, to request information from Facebook…
Archos reveals three new ‘Platinum’ Android tablets – HD displays, quad-core processors
High end specs for low prices
Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich Coming to Archos G9 Tablets Early 2012
Good news for those of you who have adopted one of the Archos G9 Android tablets – Archos has confirmed that you’ll be getting a software updated to the latest version of Android, 4.0 aka Ice Cream Sandwich, within the first 3 months of next year. Archos’ G9 tablets – available in 8 and 10.1…
Archos 80 G9 Android Honeycomb Tablet Now Available for £199.99
Archos’ latest Android tablet, the 80 G9 is ready to be snapped up from their online webstore, at a very reasonable price of £199.99. Back in July Archos announced the new G9 range of tablets that would run the very latest Android Honeycomb 3.2 software, in an 8-inch size which is the ‘80’ and a…