We believe that OnLive could be the future of gaming. You can stream the latest titles in HD quality over the web to your PC, to a Micro Console and to your smartphone or tablet – you’ll never need to go to the game store, and you can seamlessly switch between devices and continue your game.
The latest title to land on OnLive’s app for Android tablets is the fantastic L.A. Noire from Rockstar Games. OnLive has teamed up with Rockstar to bring a version of the game that is fully touch-operable to Android tablets and smartphones.
With OnLive you can purchase L.A. Noire as a full PlayPass for £24.99, which allows you to play it on any device. For example, you could game all night on your PC, save your game and shut down, then pick up your Android tablet and continue hunting down felons and solving crimes. OnLive says this should work seamlessly.
You get the full title, as you would if you purchased it through OnLive for playing on their Micro Console, but it’s been adapted to work brilliantly on touchscreen devices. L.A. Noire is just one of 25 titles that have received the touch treatment by OnLive, including Dirt 3 and Lego Batman.
You’ll also get the first L.A. Noire downloadable content (DLC) pack along with the game, which expands the game further, adding 5 new cases, additional challenges, outfits and the awesome Chicago Piano machine gun. The full lowdown on the content included is as follows:
- 5 Additional Cases ranging from Traffic to Arson
- The Badge Pursuit Challenge – Find and collect badges to unlock the Button Man Detective Suit
- The Broderick Detective Suit – Boosts your fist fighting capabilities and resilience to damage
- The Sharpshooter Detective Suit – Sharpens your aim with rifles and pistols
- The Chicago Piano – A powerful machine gun stored in the trunk of your car
The game is also compatible with OnLive’s gamepad controller, which you can hook up wirelessly to your Android tablet – perfect if you can prop up the tablet to sit back and game.
Sure, you can pick up L.A. Noire for as cheap as £13 on Xbox 360 or PS3 from GAME at the moment, but you don’t get the portability factor of playing on an Android tablet wherever you are. You won’t get to finish on your console and pick up where you left, on the go, either.
L.A. Noire is available from OnLive right now.
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