What if wireless charging at a distance actually worked? What if you could change your phone while you move around or use it? You can, maybe, sometime in the future. uBeam invented a way to wirelessly send energy up to 15 feet away with ultrasound.
Although that’s nothing new they did that ages ago, don’t know if you can invent somethingtwice. But early uBeam prototypes were massive, non-portable boxes, it now has a working version that people might actually want.

Starbucks as well. Major brands are vying to become strategic investors of uBeam in hopes of scoring exclusivity deals so they’ll be the first retail locations to offer uBeam wireless charging. I love the idea of being able to stand outside Starbucks and charge my phone, I’d go in but I already write for a blog if I start drinking in Starbucks I become a stereotype. No one wants to be a hipster.
uBeam is also in talks with the top names like Virgin in air travel, Starwood hotels, and some huge fast food chains. uBeam has also spoken with leading hardware manufacturers like Apple and Samsung. The smartphone market is a huge draw for wireless charging expect Samsung and Apple to battle fiercely for an exclusivity deal with uBeam.
uBeam relies on ultrasonic transduction. Transmitters take power from an outlet, convert it into ultrasonic sound waves, and then beam the vibrations towards a device with a receiver, like a phone with a wireless charging case. uBeam’s transmitters can retarget the receivers as they move to maximize the energy transfer. The receiver converts the ultrasound vibrations into energy, which is then fed into the device it’s attached to, charging it. uBeam is said to be able to charge at a similar speed to plugging your phone into the wall.
These are similar ultrasonic waves used for ultrasound scans of babies in the womb so we can assume they are fairly safe. We can also assume people will argue they aren’t. The receivers are cheap and slim, so they’re not annoying to attach to your phone. But what makes it so attractive to consumers will be that devices can charge at a distance of around 15 feet, even while a device is moving.
It’s not perfect yet, but they do reach the goals they are aiming for uBeam could be one of the most use full inventions in a long time (as far as smartphone users are concerned).