U.K Network O2 to Begin Rolling out 10% Refunds & Top-up Bonuses from Saturday

Some of our readers may have sadly been caught up in O2’s blunder back in early July which saw calling, texting and internet data put on hold for an entire afternoon and evening with some network users not getting full services back until the next day. With services back on line O2 was quick to announce its compensation plans for its aggrieved customers and today we’ve received a text to confirm these will by rolled out from Saturday 1st September.

To recap these offers, O2 has apologetically promised that Pay Monthly customers will receive a 10% return on their July bill which will appear on their account in September and the network suggests this amount will be the equivalent of three days service refunded.

Pay & Go customers will receive the same 10% reward when topping up and this percentage will be relative to the first amount of credit they add to their account in September. The more money you top-up the better the deal.

In addition to both compensations O2 is offering a £10 voucher obtainable through its Priority Moments app, which can be used on the O2 online store on any product or service between the 1st and 20th of September with no minimum to the amount customers can spend.

Further details of the offers can be read on the O2 website.

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