WhatsApp hits 500 Million users – 50 Million news under Facebook!

“What’s cooler than a Million users, 500 Million users”

Yes it’s a cliché now, but Facebook’s purchase of free messenger service WhatsApp has allowed us to use the Social Networks quotes when talking about WhatsApp’s success.

WhatsApp have confirmed that they have passed the 500 Million users Milestone today, which is half the way to a Billion users. Facebook won’t be too unhappy about their either as since its Acquisition of the messenger application 50 Million new users have signed up.

Many think that users of WhatsApp will flock away from the service now that Facebook is in control, but these early figures suggest something different.

Back in Feb Facebook announced its Acquisitions of the WhatsApp for a cool $19bn, making the Application Facebook’s biggest ever investment, but it’s now easy to see why FB put their money in.

What’s more WhatsApp also confirmed that more than 700 million photos and 100 million videos are shared over the platform each day adding up to a huge data stream that is used by the company.

Facebook announced in February that it is to acquire the cross-platform messaging app for $19 billion (£11.9bn), marking the firm’s biggest purchase to date.

The social network has offered assurances that WhatsApp’s emphasis on user security will not be compromised in the wake of the deal.

However, this has not stopped privacy campaigners from pressuring the firm into declaring what it plans to do with the messenger service’s personal data.