White iPhone 4 Set For April 26th Release Date

White iPhone 4 news seems to be coming in thick and fast at the moment.  The latest piece of tasty news is that the actual release date for the white iPhone 4 will be April 26th according to tech blog, 9to5 mac.

The white version of Apple’s best-selling handset had been primed for release last summer, but has been majorly delayed due to problems with white paint peeling away from the device under heat.

Last month, Apple’s Phil Schiller took to Twitter to say the white iPhone 4 would be out in spring, so it looks like the top exec has been true to his word. The question is, will anyone bother buying one with the iPhone 5 just months away?

Everything is pointing to an actual release of April 26th and is good news for anyone who has been waiting 10 months to get their hands on the cool coloured iPhone.

We’re still not sure what to make of the de-listing from Apple’s online store. Maybe they wanted to re-market the device, so needed to start a fresh with all-new pictures?

Interestingly the white iPhone 4 is probably your best bet to avoid the antennagate issues, as the newer Verizon iPhone 4 in the US has a slightly different design and therefore might perform better on your network than the models.

There’s no idea on price or which, if any, networks will have the phone in any form of exclusivity deal, but we wouldn’t be be surprised if it will available on all Apple-endorsed networks.

With Apple planning to actually release the white iPhone 4, does this mean that the iPhone 5 is further away than many think? More than likely, if the iPhone 5 was only months away it wouldn’t be sensible to launch the White iPhone 4, but that’s just our guess.

Let us know if you’re going to pick up the White iPhone or wait it out for the iPhone 5? You can share your comments and thoughts on this or any of our other blog articles at the official Gadget Helpline Facebook Page!